Popular home blood pressure cuffs may not fit millions of adults

By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association 沙巴足球体育平台

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超过1700万美国人.S. 成年人可能无法在家里通过流行的非处方设备获得准确的血压测量值,因为这些设备附带的袖口对他们的手臂来说太小或太大, 新的研究表明.

手臂围度与标准设备袖口尺寸不匹配的成年人比例在黑人成年人中较高, 哪些人更有可能因为患高血压的风险更大而需要家庭监控. Because of societal and historical inequities, Black adults are 30% more likely to have hypertension, 或者高血压, 比他们的白人同龄人, and Black women face a 50% greater risk.

该研究结果于周五在芝加哥举行的美国心脏协会高血压科学会议上公布,并发表在该杂志上 高血压.

"Many people think measuring blood pressure is simple, 但实际上, there are many steps that need to be taken to get an accurate reading," said lead study author Dr. Kunihiro松下, 他是约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院和巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯医学院的流行病学和医学教授. "One issue is finding the right cuff size for an individual's arm size. 如果袖带太小,它会高估人的血压读数. If it is too large, it will underestimate their blood pressure reading."

高血压是世界范围内心脏病和中风的主要原因, affecting nearly half of adults in the U.S., many of whom may not realize they have it. 高血压 is diagnosed when the systolic, 或者最上面的数, is consistently 130 or higher, 或者舒张舒张, 或者最下面的数, 是80或更多.

美国心脏协会建议 家庭监控 when someone is at risk f或者高血压, 确认高血压诊断并确定血压治疗是否有效.

先前的研究表明,如果使用错误的袖口尺寸,读数将不准确. 最近的一项研究 美国医学会内科杂志 found a cuff that is too big caused about a 4 mmHg lower systolic reading, 而袖口太小导致血压升高近20毫米汞柱——足以让应该被诊断为高血压的人错过,或者对没有高血压的人进行了错误的诊断.

在新的研究中, 研究人员评估了一家大型在线零售商销售的10种流行家用血压监测设备的袖口尺寸. 九种袖口的尺寸从22厘米(约8厘米)起覆盖手臂.7 inches) to 42 cm (about 16.5英寸),其中一个提供了一个袖口,覆盖22厘米至40厘米的手臂周长.

使用2015 - 2020年全国健康与营养调查数据, they analyzed arm circumference for 13,826 adults who were an average 47 years old. Nearly 7% – equivalent to 17.300万成年人的手臂周长与该设备出售的袖带尺寸不符. The vast majority of people whose arms did not match the cuffs – 6.4%, or 16.5 million adults – had an arm circumference greater than 42 cm.

Among Black adults in the study, nearly 12% had an arm circumference that didn't match available cuff sizes, compared to about 7% of white adults and 5% of Hispanic adults.

袖口的尺寸因型号和制造商的不同而不同,而且尺寸范围并不总是可用的. Recent data from a national survey suggests about half of adults in the U.S. with high blood pressure need a large or extra-large cuff.

One solution would be to change the size of the standard cuff, Matsushita said. Shifting cuff size range to fit 25 cm to 45 cm, instead of 22 cm to 42 cm, could make it a good fit for 2.3 million more adults in the U.S., the researchers concluded.

Accurate blood pressure readings can be difficult to obtain, both in the health care setting and at home, 博士说. 明尼阿波利斯市健康伙伴研究所的高级研究员卡伦·马戈利斯说. She was not involved in the study.

马戈利斯说,如果不遵循适当的程序,读数可能会出现错误. 在医疗环境中,血压也会升高,因为人们会变得焦虑, a situation referred to as "白大衣高血压."


先前的研究表明,人们使用的大多数家庭血压计都没有经过验证, 马戈利斯说, 谁是一个 政策声明 来自美国心脏协会和美国医学协会关于在家测量血压的重要性.

A list of validated machines can be found at validatebp.org. The website allows users to filter machines by available cuff size, 品牌, price range and other features.

要找到合适的袖口尺寸,需要用卷尺在手臂肘部和肩膀骨尖之间的中间处绕上一圈,以找到正确的手臂周长, 马戈利斯说. “在一到两周的沙巴足球体育平台里,在一台经过验证的机器上用正确的袖带尺寸正确地进行十几次读数,就足以确定一个人是否患有高血压或需要调整药物。,她说.

According to AHA guidelines, the proper way to take a blood pressure reading is to sit in a chair with feet flat on the floor and the back supported. 任何一只手臂都可以使用, 但是袖带的中间部分应该放在上臂与皮肤的心脏水平处, 不要穿太多衣服.

Readings should not be taken within 30 minutes of eating, ingesting caffeine or exercising, and the bladder should be empty. 测量前安静休息至少五分钟,测量时不要说话或移动. 每天大约在同一沙巴足球体育平台间隔一分钟进行多次测量.

American Heart Association 沙巴足球体育平台 Stories

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